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Delicious Ideas Food Group continue to support Little Miracles Charity

In the heart of our community lies a partnership that has been making a profound difference to countless families of children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions. 

Delicious Ideas Food Group, a dedicated family-owned food and drink wholesaler, has been a supporter of Little Miracles Charity for several years. Their regular donations of surplus stock have meant we can continue to provide essentials for families who might be struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. May half-term saw Little Miracles welcome more than 400 people, the majority of whom enjoyed food provided by Delicious Ideas. 

The contributions from Delicious Ideas Food Group have allowed us to keep our food bank well-stocked, ensuring that we can meet the needs of families who rely on us. Each donation brings a sense of relief, knowing that we will continue to support those who might otherwise go hungry. 

Little Miracles also provides food parcels which help our families stretch their budgets, reduce their stress, and provide healthy meals for their children. The feedback from parents and children are testament to the difference these donations make.

One family recently said "I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone at Little Miracles that helped me and my family out with food parcels. It was a massive help to us. The food was great, nothing has gone to waste here". 

The support from Delicious Ideas Food Group has been a beacon of hope for many families in our community. Their generosity has made a tangible difference, and we are extremely thankful for their ongoing partnership. 

Thank you, Delicious Ideas