Respite provision at Little Miracles can mean everything to some of our families.
Having a child with an additional need, disability or life-limiting condition can be exhausting. Some children need someone to be awake and with them every second of every day to keep them safe and, in some cases, to keep them alive.
Respite allows family members to get a break, spend time with other people, catch-up on chores or even just get some sleep. Finding time for self-care and healthy relationships can be incredibly difficult if you have a child with an additional need but is so important for the sake of the whole family.
Little Miracles has been providing respite to Ivo for many years. Their family enjoy Little Miracles' activities together but respite sessions allow Ivo's parents to spend some quality time with his younger sister.
"Little Miracles literally changed our family life for the better. Thanks to Little Miracles and the sessions organised by Nikita, Ivo finally was able to have a social life outside of school. He was able to meet new friends, learn new things but most importantly be a part of a social group and do things outside of the family.
Nikita was able to create a session for Ivo which he very much enjoyed. We know that Ivo is in safe environment, we have time to focus on our own tasks and have a little break, a time which is needed for all of us.
We are really grateful for everything that Little Miracles has done for Ivo and us"
Piotr, Ivo's dad
Help with Applications
We accept self-referrals for our respite services or referrals from professionals. If Little Miracles cannot fulfil a child's requirements then we will work with other agencies to ensure that the child has everything they need.
We can also help with applications for respite which might be funded by the Local Authority and for those on Continuing Health Care.
If you feel that your family would benefit from respite, or you would like help completing an application, please email or call us on 01733 262226.
Ivo learning 'life skills' in his respite session!
Ivo and his sister enjoying The Spinney garden together