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Supporter Spotlight - Barratt Homes

We are incredibly grateful to Barratt Homes as they continue to support us as their Charity of Choice. 

Barratt's dedication to helping local communities is truly inspiring. Over the past year, not only have they have helped hundreds of families who might otherwise have struggled to get support but they have also volunteered their time. Some of the ways Barratt’s have supported us include:

Demand for our services are increasing drastically from families with children who have additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions and they may feel isolated or in crisis. Donations from companies such as Barratt's allow us to continue to be there for these families and reach many more by funding vital services, taking some of the weight off of families who feel they have no where to turn. Barratt's donation of £1,500 went towards funding of up to 100 childcare hours, meaning we are able to continue providing support where it's needed most.

Christmas is around the corner and it may not be the most joyful season for families who have children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions. We believe Christmas should be an enjoyable time - everybody deserves to receive something special and we need support to make sure no one feels forgotten.  Last year, Barratt's collected selection boxes and donated Christmas gifts that were given out at our annual Christmas party or delivered to the children who are unable to leave their home due to complex needs. Barratt's helped us spread Christmas cheer and there were many happy faces!



Pictured above: Our childcare team with one of the many children Barratt's have supported.

We are very excited to see what the next chapter brings and how we can help more children with this partnership!

If your company are looking for a charity to support and you’d like more information about Little Miracles, please contact the Fundraising team by emailing