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The Nottinghamshire branch opened in June 2023 and has proven to be a well-needed resource in the area with over 1,500 people attending our sessions in the first 9 months.

We currently offer family swimming sessions at Kirkby Leisure Centre, and two ‘Friday Night Clubs’ each month (subject to change in school holidays). Our Friday Night Clubs at the Ashwood Centre in Kirkby-in-Ashfield offer plenty of activities to suit all ages including a small soft play area, games, toys, and crafts. 

We also aim to host a further trip or activity at least once a month. Our activities have included bowling, soft play and tag active, walk and craft sessions. Whilst we have been on trips to the seaside, the Space Centre, Cadbury's World and Graves Park.

To support the adults within the family we also hold ‘Café Surfing’ mornings twice a month. This is a coffee morning, but we go to different cafes in different areas and alternate days to try and reach as many families as possible. We are always looking for suggestions on cafes to visit so please do let us know if there is somewhere you would like us to ‘surf’ to.

Please complete the membership form below, if you have any questions please call 01733 262226 or email also keep an eye on the Facebook group  for more information.

Please note that you must be a member of a family who has a child with an additional need, disability, or life-limiting condition to access Little Miracles. We also ask that you become a member before accessing our sessions by completing the free membership form.