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Easter Half Term

Thank you to everyone who came down to the events we ran over Easter half term, it was a thoroughly brilliant two weeks and the children loved it! We started the half term events off with swimming and then activity world! Here are some pictures from the event.

One of the highlights of the whole 2 weeks was the fantastic DJ Day. At this event, the children learnt how to mix, play and record music with a variety of instruments and DJ equipment. They even made their own recordings to download! Nyces the graffiti artist also came down on this day, and we want to say a massive thank you to him! He was fantastic with the children and they made great artwork with him, as shown below.

On the Wednesday, we took a trip to Rutland water where the families got involved in various activities such as mini golf, bugtopia, picnic, scooters and bikes. It was a fun filled day with lots of interesting activities. Thank you to everyone who came down!

The centre was once again packed on the thursday for our Easter party, where there was dancing, party games and an easter egg hunt. There were 20 eggs hidden around the garden and the children had lots of fun trying to locate them. We also had fun playing all of the classic party games such as musical statues, sleeping lions, musical chairs etc.

For the second week of half term, we ran a panto at the centre! Massive thank you to M & M productions for coming and presenting their show ‘Twist in Time’. Here are some pictures from the fantastic event. To round the half term off, we took a trip to Hunstanton Seaside where there was lots of sunbathing, eating of fish and chips, and sightseeing.


Thank you again to everyone who made this Easter Half term a very special one once again!

For the second week of half term, we ran a panto at the centre! Massive thank you to M & M productions for coming and presenting their show ‘Twist in Time’. Here are some pictures from the fantastic event. To round the half term off, we took a trip to Hunstanton Seaside where there was lots of sunbathing, eating of fish and chips, and sightseeing.

Thank you again to everyone who made this Easter Half term a very special one once again!