Meet Monica

Hello, My name is Monica and I am a voluntary fundraiser. I have been with the charity just over a year now!
In my previous life as a Trusts and Foundations Fundraising Manager I had heard of Little Miracles as a charity with a super reputation for good work. But it was when my partner volunteered to paint the new Holbeach premises that the charity came back into my thoughts. I'm now retired but wondered if I could be of some use to the charity. I'm enjoying reading all about the charity and the real difference they make to our children and young people and their families. I'm looking forward to contributing some of my skills to enhancing fundraising and I'm really enjoying my interactions with Jack, my Line Manager and inspiration. He's a bit of a legend in my eyes!
Little Miracles' staff and volunteers rely solely on donations and awards in order to provide families with the support that they need, when they need it.
Individuals, companies and schools who raise money or donate to Little Miracles make such an enormous difference to the lives of the children. Without your help we simply couldn't be there for the growing number of families who need us be it for respite, counselling, inclusive activities or bereavement care.