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Miracle Makes Is Back!

Yes! Miracle Makes is BACK! 

We are very excited to tell you about the return of our own little craft shop Miracle Makes. It is run completely by our dear friend and volunteer Brooke who stepped out of the light a little while ago to have a beautiful baby girl.

Now she is back and more eager than ever to create beautiful items and 
raise much-needed funds for Little Miracles. 

"After having found Little Miracles 6 years ago it quickly became a second home for me and my, now, 4 amazing children, two of which have additional needs.
I started Volunteering for Little Miracles to give others the help that I needed and received. I volunteered at the Sensory shop, in the Childcare sessions, as well as with Fundraising and Planning.

It was when I did Childcare we realised there was a real need for the children to have visual aids, so after some research, we started making visual books.
From making these books things just grew, suddenly we did communication aids, awareness items, and gifts.

This not only allowed me to be creative, which is something I enjoy, at the same time the shop also provided Little Miracles with much-needed funds.
It was just too good to give up.

Now after some time away from having had my youngest daughter I am ready to start up Miracle Makes again, this time with an even bigger selection of items!"

Welcome back, Brooke!

If you want to take a closer look at all the wonderful items Brooke creates follow the link below!
Already seen her products and want to place an order, click this link: