Elizabeth and Max's Story
"My name is Lizzy and I am mummy to three wonderful little boys, Max, 6, Teddy, 4, and Percy, 2. When Max was about 2 years old it became clear to me that he was struggling and by the time he was five he had been diagnosed with global development impairment and a speech and language disorder. In the past year he has also been diagnosed with autism. Max is the most wonderful joyful child and I am so lucky to be his mummy but he does face some considerable struggles. Parenting a child like Max can be an incredibly sad and lonely experience. As he has started school it has become more obvious how far he is falling behind other children his age. Max struggles to make friends at school and says he often feels lonely. He can't attend the clubs or after school activities his school friends do. This is really where Little Miracles has been a lifeline for us.
We were introduced to Little Miracles before Christmas in 2022 after a volunteer spotted Max walking around a market in ear defenders. She advised me to get in touch. Although we attended a Christmas party that year we really started attending events in the summer holidays last year. I was so worried about how Max would cope out of routine and with a long summer ahead but Little Miracles offered so many activities in our town that we filled the summer with fun. We were instantly made to feel part of the Little Miracles family. Max has been welcomed, loved and understood right from the start. He has made friends and had adventures, including a trip to Harry Potter World, that just wouldn't be possible for him without this wonderful charity. Max says every day at Little Miracles is the best day ever!
Max's younger brothers look forward to coming to Little Miracles just as much as he does and one of the most wonderful things is watching all the children of different abilities play together with compassion and understanding.
For me Little Miracles has provided the love and understanding I needed at a time that I was finding parenting the hardest and most lonely. I know now where my people are. I can have a coffee and chat with other parents who just get it. I know that Little Miracles will offer the support we need as a family as we navigate the challenging and difficult world of raising Max. I honestly couldn't feel more lucky or more grateful and all I can do is say thank you from me and from Max from the bottom of our hearts"