Michelle and Oliver's Story

"Oliver was born severely disabled. During my pregnancy the doctors told me that he was in a state “incompatible with life”. They said Oliver’s life, if he were to make it that far, would not be a life worth living. At 35 weeks pregnant I felt pressured into terminating his life. We were made to think it would be the kindest thing for Oliver. As a family we decided that for however long Oliver was to live that he would know he was loved.
Oliver spent 15 months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit before he could finally come home with us to Peterborough. I quickly had to adjust to the 'new normal'. Looking after Oliver was hard however it was the isolation that was crippling. My family and friends could not relate to what I was going through, my social circles broke down... I felt totally alone.
My story is far from unique. 11% of children in the UK are born with a disability. There are nearly 1.4 million families like mine, each with their own struggles, ambitions and stories to tell. Yet the families we meet often tell us that they feel alone and that isolation is the hardest battle they face.
I started Little Miracles to ensure families that have children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions can access the care and support they need and connect with each other in confidence and without judgement. I don’t want any family should have to feel as alone as I did.
Oliver is now 16. Oliver is still a poorly little boy who relies on machines to keep him alive but he is a bubbly, funny young man who is loved by everybody. Even 16 years on we are challenged by ‘the system’ every day. We have to fight for healthcare, for respite, even for Oliver’s right to an education.
Having a child with a life-limiting condition is draining, even with all the support in the world. But with the help of people like you things are a little easier.
We are just a normal family trying to give our son the best possible life, no matter how long he is with us and with the help of people like you things are a little bit easier.
Thank you for being there for my family, and my son.”