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Football fun in Fenland

Gemma Westley, Volunteer at Fenland Branch launches football sessions off the back of Little Miracles families asking for sporting sessions for children with additional needs. 

In late Spring, our Little Miracles Fenland branch set up a football training session at March Town Cricket Club supported by Aaron Cranston a fully qualified footballing coach, who also trains March under 12’s. Due to the popularity of the first football training sessions that were initially only planned to be run for four weeks, the sessions are still going strong with Aaron at the helm, who now volunteers his time for Little Miracles regularly. The football training sessions are designed to lead the children through a series of drills, exercises and game play to boost their football prowess, whilst also providing an opportunity to build communication and team-building skills. 

Gemma says, “A massive thanks to Aaron, he’s got the skill of bringing the best out of our Little Miracles footballers. They are listening and responding to him. Absolute respect. It can’t get much better than this.” 

Since the football training started, the team in Fenland have seen noticeable improvements in the children's emotional, communicational and social skills. Not only have these training sessions had a positive impact on the children, they’ve also provided an opportunity for parents to come along to watch their children and make friendships of their own. Some of the dads have also been known to join in! 

Here’s what some of our parents said:  

“S loved tonight she's definitely coming again next week. Thanks Aaron you boosted her confidence in your praise. All kids did great and loved it.” 

“We had a jolly calm evening tonight at football. A strong sense of team spirit is becoming, listening skills and trusting each other is blooming, it was an absolute delight to see our young people and children enjoying themselves and looking completely content.” 

We look forward to seeing how this Little Miracles football team progress and hope to see them in the Premier League in the future!