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Valerie's Abseil Journey: Overcoming fear for a cause close to her heart

We sometimes hear about parachute jumps, pub quizzes or bake sales to raise much-needed funds, however Valerie had a wildly different idea and decided to abseil down the world’s tallest Abseil Tower raising an impressive £1,054.50 for Little Miracles!

For Valerie, the decision to abseil was not an easy one. Standing at 418 feet, the abseil tower she chose is the highest in the world—a daunting height for anyone, let alone someone who has never abseiled before. 

When asked why she chose Little Miracles Valerie said:

"Because I saw first hand the amazing work they do, supporting families and children. Everyone was so excited and happy when they came into our pottery painting studio and I could feel how much love was shared between everyone."

Little Miracles provides a safe environment where children can participate in activities and therapies that support their development and well-being. We also offer essential services to families, including counselling, family support, educational guidance and friendship groups. These services are a lifeline for parents, giving them the support and community they need to navigate the challenges they face.

From everyone at Little Miracles we would like to say a massive thank you Valerie... we think you are very brave!

If this has given you inspiration to organise your own event for Little Miracles, please get in touch with our team by emailing or visiting the fundraising page on our website.