Bowen's story
Bowen is a gorgeous little boy and although he is still small, he faces big challenges.
During pregnancy, we were told that although he was otherwise healthy, Bowen would have an upper limb difference and as a family we started to prepare for how we could help him overcome any obstacles this may present for him. But until birth, we were completely unaware of just how unique he was going to be.
Bowen was born with a previously undiagnosed 10p15.1p12.1 chromosome deletion which makes him one of a kind; Bowen’s is the largest deletion of the 10p chromosome recorded on the global database and he faces life-long complex medical conditions and developmental differences.
It is obvious to anyone that meets Bowen that he requires additional care for things that most of us take for granted with our little ones - he is fed via a tube through his nose into his stomach using a machine, he wears hearing aids as he has severe hearing loss and he has to be physically supported with everything as he has musculoskeletal weaknesses meaning he is unable to roll over or sit up like most babies his age.
Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg as since birth, Bowen has been under the care of multiple paediatric consultants across two specialist hospitals and has already had to undergo an operation to widen his airway. He only has one kidney making him susceptible to urinary tract problems. He awaits an eye operation to lift his eyelids as he is unable to open his eyes fully meaning his vision is impaired. His heart and airways are monitored regularly by specialists, and he requires dietician, speech, language and physiotherapist assessments and support.
We do not know if he will ever be able to walk, talk or how severe his learning disabilities will be. We live each day as it comes and we love him to the moon & back.